Can You Disable Auto Stop on Equinox?

If you own a Chevrolet Equinox or are considering buying one, you may have heard about the Auto Stop feature. Auto Stop is a technology that helps to conserve fuel by automatically turning off the engine when the vehicle comes to a complete stop, such as at a traffic light or in heavy traffic.

While this feature can be beneficial for improving fuel economy and reducing emissions, it may not be everyone's cup of tea. Some drivers find it a bit annoying or prefer to have more control over when the engine is running or idle.

If you belong to the camp of drivers who prefer to have the Auto Stop feature turned off on your Equinox, you may be wondering if it is possible to disable this feature. The good news is that Chevrolet provides a way to manage the Auto Stop function based on your personal preference.

How to Turn Off Auto Stop on Equinox

On certain Chevrolet Equinox models, you can turn off the Auto Stop feature by following these simple steps:

Step Action
1 Start the ignition and put the vehicle in park.
2 Press the "Auto Stop" button located on the center console.
3 The indicator light on the "Auto Stop" button will turn off, indicating that the Auto Stop feature has been deactivated.

The Benefits of Disabling Auto Stop

By turning off the Auto Stop feature on your Equinox, you regain control over when the engine starts and stops. This can be particularly useful in certain driving situations, such as:

  • During stop-and-go traffic: Some drivers find the frequent engine on-off cycles in heavy traffic to be distracting or irritating. Disabling Auto Stop eliminates this annoyance.
  • Off-road driving: When navigating rough terrains or challenging off-road trails, it can be beneficial to keep the engine running continuously for power and control.
  • Increased responsiveness: With Auto Stop turned off, you'll experience improved throttle response when accelerating from a stop.

It's important to note that turning off the Auto Stop feature may result in slightly lower fuel efficiency. However, the trade-off for increased driver comfort and control may be worth it for many Equinox owners.

Can You Disable Auto Stop on Equinox?


Other Tips for Maximizing Fuel Efficiency

While disabling Auto Stop may slightly impact fuel efficiency, there are several other habits and tips you can adopt to ensure you get the most out of each gallon:

  1. Maintain steady speeds: Avoid sudden accelerations or hard braking whenever possible, as these actions can significantly affect your fuel consumption.
  2. Check tire pressure regularly: Keeping your tires properly inflated can improve fuel efficiency and extend tire life.
  3. Limit unnecessary idling: If you anticipate being parked for an extended period, consider turning off the engine instead of letting it idle.
  4. Remove excess weight: Clear out any unnecessary items from your vehicle's trunk or interior to reduce the overall weight, which can help improve fuel economy.
  5. Schedule regular vehicle maintenance: Keeping up with routine maintenance tasks like oil changes, air filter replacements, and spark plug inspections can help optimize your vehicle's fuel efficiency.

By incorporating these fuel-saving techniques into your driving habits, you can offset any minor impact on fuel efficiency caused by turning off the Auto Stop feature.

Frequently Asked Questions Of Can You Disable Auto Stop On Equinox? 

Can You Turn Off The Auto Stop On Equinox?

Yes, you can turn off the auto stop feature on Equinox with just a few simple steps.

Why Would You Want To Turn Off The Auto Stop On Equinox?

Turning off the auto stop feature on Equinox can help improve fuel efficiency, reduce wear on the starter motor, and ensure a smoother driving experience.

How Do You Disable The Auto Stop On Equinox?

To disable the auto stop on Equinox, press the auto stop button located on the center console. This will temporarily disable the feature until the next ignition cycle.


If you prefer to have more control over your Chevrolet Equinox's engine idle, you can turn off the Auto Stop feature following the steps provided. Remember that while this may result in slightly lower fuel efficiency, it offers improved driver comfort and control in various driving situations.

Additionally, by adopting fuel-saving practices such as maintaining steady speeds, checking tire pressure, limiting unnecessary idling, reducing vehicle weight, and keeping up with regular maintenance, you can still enjoy optimal fuel efficiency while having the Auto Stop feature disabled on your Equinox.

Ultimately, the decision to turn off Auto Stop on your Equinox is a personal one, based on your driving preferences and needs. With Chevrolet's flexibility in allowing drivers to disable this feature, you have the freedom to customize your driving experience to your liking.

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